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Стани доброволец в Литва и помагай на деца – кандидатствай до 13 юли!
26 Jun 2014
Публикувано от СМАРТ

Ако доброволчеството не просто ви идва отвътре, но и го усещате като начин на живот, то не пропускайте да разгледате пълния текст на обявата по-долу, където ще откриете цялостно описание на дейността на институцията, както и детайли и условия по доброволческата служба.kaunas


В най-общи линии ви предлагаме едно незабравимо и ползотворно изживяване в периода от 01.09.2014 до 01.08.2015 във втория по големина град в Литва –  Каунас. Там работата ви ще е в отдела за деца, като основната ви задача ще е грижата за създаване на благоприятни условия за тяхното физическо, емоционално и психическо развитие, и за тяхната социална адаптация. Естествено вашият престой е финансово осигурен от отдела за рехабилитация на деца към клиниката „Lopšelis”.


Най-важното е да имате желание за работа с деца, но и да не изпуснете крайния срок за кандидатстване- подаването на документите трябва да стане най-късно до 13 юли, а необходими  ще ви бъдат CV и мотивационно писмо, които да изпратите на volunteers@smart-f.eu.





Country: Lithuania

Hosting organization: Kaunas’ branch of the children’s rehabilitation hospital clinics ‘Lopšelis’

Sending organization: SMART Foundation

Term of service: 01/09/2014 – 01/08/2015

Deadline of application: 13/07/2014

‘Lopšelis’ is a governmental institution which has in two big departments: the babies’ home department and the habilitation department. The volunteer will work in the babies department. The institution mainly aims to take care of children (foster children) normal or disordered development. It serves to create favorable conditions for their physical, emotional and psychological development and for their social adaption. The children in the babies department are up to three years old, or up to seven years old if they have some developmental problems or disabilities (Down syndrome, alcohol syndrome). The institution has placement for 65 children and there are 57 children at the moment.

The EVS volunteer can bring great possibility for the children to have more individual attention, more learning opportunities, warmth, creative activities, etc. The volunteer amongst others assists in the daily care of the children (dressing up, feeding children or helping with eating, helping with the toilet), assists in different therapies (music, art, swimming pool), play games and do tasks for their development, go for walks, and organizes festivals for them. The most important role of the volunteer is to create long term relationships with the children. This way the children can learn different important things through safely attaching to a grown up person.

The work requires quick reaction, toleration of noise, a lot of energy, and caringness. Learning opportunities include getting a deeper understanding of the needs of children, getting parental skills, insight into their development and learning, and understanding of this social problem and their consequences. The organization seeks a volunteer who loves children and is eager to work with them.

A possible challenge for the volunteer is that the team doesn’t speak English and is not very sensitive towards the volunteers. Although the tutor is very friendly and eager to support the volunteer and is most of the time there. The organization hosts two foreign volunteers. A more detailed vacancy can be found on: http://europa.eu/youth/vp/vol_organisation/46000433962_en.

Application procedure: please send your CV and motivation letter to: volunteers@smart-f.eu. Smart Foundation is going to make a shortlist of suitable candidates and let the hosting organization Lopšelis make the final selection. In the subject of the e-mail please write the name of the project.

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