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Доброволчество и работа с деца в Литва – кандидатствай до 13.07.2014
26 Jun 2014
Публикувано от СМАРТ

Ако доброволчеството не просто ви идва отвътре, но и го усещате като начин на живот, то не пропускайте да разгледате цялата обява по-долу, където ще откриете пълно описание на дейността на организацията, както и детайли и условия по доброволческата служба.kais.

В най-общи линии ви предлагаме едно незабравимо изживяване в периода от 01.10.2014 до 01.06.2015 в малкото, но китно градче Кайсиадорис, Литва. Там задачата ви ще е да работите с деца в неравностойно положение, да организирате игри и различни мероприятия за тях. Също така ще имате възможността да научите езика, културата и традициите на Литва. Вашият престой е финансово осигурен от центъра за социални дейности в града.

Най-важното естествено е да имате желание и подход към децата, но и да не изпуснете крайния срок за кандидатстване- подаването на документите трябва да стане най-късно до 13 юли, а необходими  ще ви бъдат CV и мотивационно писмо, които да изпратите на volunteers@smart-f.eu



Country: Lithuania

 Hosting organization: Kaisiadorys social services center

Sending organization: ‘SMART Foundation’

 Term of service: 01/10/2014 – 01/06/2015

 Deadline of application: 13/07/2014


We are looking for a volunteer that loves children, is willing to work with children from social risk environment and the disabled and very motivated to learn Lithuanian. Are you communicative, initiative, responsible, not afraid of challenges and willing to get acquainted and understand the culture of another country and its social realities? Then this place is perfect for you!


In the children daycare centre “Kaisiadoriu socialiniu paslaugu centras” located in Kaisiadorys, a small town between Kaunas and Vilnius,  there are 8 children from social risk background everyday 12-18h and they are doing various handcrafts, sports, use computer over there. Majority are little girls 7-11 years olds, they are likely to communicate with the volunteers and involve in handcrafts, but there are also some older boys from 14-18 years old.

The volunteers will be able to play with the children various games: ping-pong, basketball, outdoor games and table games. Another task would be to help in handicrafts for children. The attendants organize various celebrations e.g. Christmas, Carnival etc. The volunteers will be invited to help in organizing these events: making of decorations together with children, create theatre plays, act. We will need help in organizing birthday celebrations for kids. It is expected that the volunteers will introduce us to their country, culture, traditions and customs.


There will be space given to the volunteers for their initiative – to teach handicrafts of their country which we do not have, traditional cooking. Volunteers will be able to organize birthday party for the kids with games and entertainment, sport match with other children daycare centers, picknick in the nature (by the lake) with games, etc.

The volunteers working with attendants of center will be able to learn various sort of applied fine arts: ceramics, wicker work, quilt sewing, wood works, decoupage, leather ware making, and paper folding handicrafts. In the service volunteers will gain various skills: communications, personal, social, initiative skills and increase creativity. Volunteers will learn the language of our country, and will get to know our culture, traditions and customs.


Application procedure: please send your CV and motivation letter to: volunteers@smart-f.eu. Smart Foundation is going to make a shortlist of suitable candidates and let the hosting organization Kaisiadoriu socialiniu paslaugu centras make the final selection. In the subject of the e-mail please write the name of the project.


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Фондация СМАРТ
с. Пещерна 5780,
общ. Луковит, обл. Ловеч
ул. „Васил Левски“ №1А
клон СОФИЯ
ул. „Смолянска“ №24-28
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